Due to the ever increasing risks of legal exposure for those who are active in the Law Enforcement Profession, the Riverside Sheriffs' Association requires that its members be enrolled in the RSA Legal Defense Trust (LDT).

RSA has contracted with attorneys and legal staff to represent RSA members in unfair labor practices, complaints, grievances, arbitrations and a myriad of other legal issues. RSA members get personal attention from lawyers that possess the necessary expertise in the area of concern. At every point during a personnel investigation, arbitration, or a Civil Service matter, a member is provided an attorney. Right representation is automatic, guaranteed and in contract.

24-Hour Emergency Hotline

24 hour Emergency Representation is available for all RSA members. A qualifying emergency is anything, which places a plan participant at potential immediate legal risk, such as an officer involved shooting (OIS), in custody death (ICD), or other similarly serious incident. Representation for other more routine or less serious matters require reasonable advanced notice to secure Representation Services. To contact the Trust please refer to the phone numbers listed below:

24-hour Emergency Hotline: (951) 653-0130
Toll Free (800) 877-7317

Board of Trustees

Jerry Osterloh
Charles Roberts
Vice Chair
Brett Pendleton
James Dickey
Summer McGill
Mark Franks
Alternate Trustee
Dario Hernandez
Alternate Trustee
Jason Holtkamp
Alternate Trustee
German Miramontes
Alternate Trustee
Kristin Valentich
Alternate Trustee