The Riverside Sheriffs' Association has adopted this policy in order to more clearly define the manner in which donations and special events funding shall be considered and approved.


  1. Any member of the Association, or a member or organization of the community at-large, can request a donation from the Riverside Sheriffs’ Association, but all requests must be submitted in writing to the RSA Office, Attn: SE&D Committee, using the accompanying application. Applications must be received at least one (1) day prior to the next scheduled SE&D Committee meeting to be considered at that meeting.
  2. All requests must include a brief explanation as to why the Association should make a donation to the particular cause in question.
  3. Donation requests shall only be approved by one of the following:
    1. By a majority vote of a quorum of SE&D Committee members or,
    2. By a majority vote of a quorum of Board of Directors when the request is of special interest to the Association or exceeds the monthly budget of the SE&D Committee.
  4. Normally, no more than one donation may be made to the same person, group, organization, team or Chapter in one fiscal year.
  5. Priority will be given to donation requests that are related to issues that affect the greatest number of Association members, locally promotes the Association within the community, or which are important to the law enforcement community in general.
  6. The Association President may veto a SE&D approved donation request, but the veto must be reviewed and affirmed by the Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
  7. The Association may donate to Special Events Teams. Team Captains submitting the request must include the names of the team members.
    1. The majority of Special Event Team members must be Association members to be eligible for a donation.
    2. Donations to qualified teams are granted on a first come first serve basis. Updated 2/17/2015
  8. The Association may donate funds to county facilities that are staffed by a substantial number of Association members.
    1. Donations made under this subsection are limited to monetary donations only with intentions to aid in the purchase of weight lifting or other physical fitness equipment.
    2. The Association assumes NO responsibility for the maintenance or upkeep of said equipment, nor does it assume liability in the event a person or persons become injured by the use of the equipment.